The Value of Book Club

I’d like to give a quick shout-out to book clubs. I’ve been a part of the same all-women book club for 15 years now. Yes, we discuss the books. And our lives, as well as the ideas that come from a variety of authors. None of us takes our group for granted, nor the friendships that developed over years of vulnerable, open conversation and snacks.

Recently, I got to participate in an exciting new perspective of book club. VizSense CEO Kristen Standish unites her geographically dispersed team by providing a book each month that they all read, and then they have lunch and learn with the author. I got to discuss my book, "Midsize," with them. Not only was this such a cool experience for me personally, but I saw firsthand how Kristen’s book club created a culture that enriched her team's knowledge base, connectedness, and professional growth. 

If you’re not in a book club, join one. If you can’t find one to join, start one. You’ll be glad you did.


Panel Discussion with Brand Innovators: What Keeps A Brand Relevant?


Panel Discussion with ADWEEK New York: Brand Alchemy