App-happy Avoidance
Does your company need an app? Are you sure? Are you really sure??
Global Retail Marketing Association COO Pat Dermody cautions, “Deciding to load an app on your phone is like deciding to let someone move in with you."
I couldn’t agree more. When a company tells me they want an app, I’m often tempted to turn into the old geezer shouting at the kids to get off my lawn. The truth is, we don’t all need an app.
Even though the cost of creating an app has come down, if you are in a midsize company, building an app is just the start of the investment.
If the app itself is central to the business delivery, huzzah! By all means, build an app. But otherwise, if your website is optimized for mobile and you are promoting it through multiple digital channels, that may be a better solution.
Read more about the costs vs benefits of an app, as well as alternative solutions, in Midsize here.